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Common faults of different types of boil off gas compressors

Jul 22, 2024

by:Anhui Shengnuo Compressor Manufacturing Co.,Ltd

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Boil-off gas compressors are essential components in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry, used to handle and compress the evaporated gas that occurs during LNG storage and transportation. Different types of compressors can be employed, such as reciprocating compressors, centrifugal compressors, and screw compressors. Here are some common faults that can occur in each type:

Reciprocating Compressors:

1. Valve Leaks: Reciprocating compressors rely on valves to control gas flow. Valve leaks can occur due to wear, improper sealing, or valve seat damage, leading to reduced compression efficiency and increased energy consumption.

2. Piston Ring Wear: The piston rings in reciprocating compressors can experience wear over time, resulting in reduced sealing efficiency and potential gas leakage between the cylinder and piston. This can lead to decreased compression efficiency and increased oil carryover.

3. Cylinder Damage: Excessive pressure or temperature fluctuations can cause damage to the cylinder walls, leading to gas leakage and reduced compressor performance.

4. Lubrication Issues: Insufficient lubrication or improper lubricant selection can result in increased friction, wear, and potential damage to compressor components.

Centrifugal Compressors:

1. Impeller Damage: Centrifugal compressors use rotating impellers to compress gas. Mechanical or operational issues can cause impeller damage, such as erosion, corrosion, or imbalance, leading to reduced efficiency and potential vibration problems.

2. Bearing Failures: Bearings support the rotating shaft in centrifugal compressors. Factors like improper lubrication, misalignment, or excessive loads can lead to bearing failures, resulting in increased vibration, reduced efficiency, and potential damage to other components.

3. Seal Leaks: Centrifugal compressors use seals to prevent gas leakage between different sections. Seal leaks can occur due to wear, misalignment, or inadequate sealing, leading to reduced efficiency and potential safety concerns.

4. Surge and Stall: Operating centrifugal compressors outside their stable operating range can cause surge or stall conditions, leading to significant vibrations, reduced efficiency, and potential damage to the compressor.

Screw Compressors:

1. Rotor Wear: Screw compressors rely on the intermeshing of rotors to compress gas. Over time, the rotors can experience wear, resulting in reduced compression efficiency and potential gas leakage between the rotors.

2. Oil Carryover: Screw compressors use oil for lubrication and cooling. Excessive oil carryover can occur due to oil foaming, high discharge temperatures, or improper oil separation, resulting in reduced efficiency and potential contamination of downstream equipment.

3. Cooling System Issues: Screw compressors require effective cooling to maintain proper operating temperatures. Issues with the cooling system, such as fouled heat exchangers, insufficient coolant flow, or high coolant temperatures, can lead to compressor overheating and reduced performance.

4. Capacity Control Problems: Screw compressors often incorporate capacity control mechanisms to match changing demand. Malfunctions in the capacity control system can lead to inefficient operation, energy waste, or inadequate compression capacity.

It's important to note that these are general faults that can occur in each compressor type. The specific design, operating conditions, and maintenance practices can influence the occurrence and severity of these faults. Regular inspection, preventive maintenance, and appropriate troubleshooting techniques are crucial to identify and address these faults to ensure reliable and efficient compressor operation.

Some general handling methods for the common faults mentioned in different types of boil-off gas compressors

Reciprocating Compressors:

1. Valve Leaks: Replace or repair faulty valves and ensure proper seating and sealing. Regularly inspect and maintain valves to prevent leaks.

2. Piston Ring Wear: Replace worn piston rings and ensure proper lubrication. Monitor and maintain proper clearance between the piston and cylinder.

3. Cylinder Damage: Repair or replace damaged cylinders. Properly maintain operating conditions to avoid excessive pressure or temperature fluctuations.

4. Lubrication Issues: Ensure proper lubrication by using recommended lubricants and following maintenance schedules. Monitor oil levels and quality regularly.

Centrifugal Compressors:

1. Impeller Damage: Repair or replace damaged impellers. Regularly inspect impellers for erosion, corrosion, and balance issues. Ensure proper maintenance and cleaning of gas streams to reduce impeller damage risks.

2. Bearing Failures: Monitor bearing conditions through vibration analysis and temperature monitoring. Properly lubricate bearings and ensure alignment. Replace faulty bearings promptly and address the root cause of failures.

3. Seal Leaks: Inspect and maintain seals regularly. Replace worn or damaged seals and ensure proper sealing and alignment. Monitor seal performance and gas leakage.

4. Surge and Stall: Operate centrifugal compressors within their stable operating range. Implement surge control systems and ensure proper instrumentation and monitoring to detect and prevent surge/stall conditions.

Screw Compressors:

1. Rotor Wear: Replace worn rotors and ensure proper clearance between the rotors. Regularly inspect and maintain rotor condition. Monitor gas leakage and efficiency.

2. Oil Carryover: Optimize oil management system, including proper oil selection, filtration, and separation. Monitor oil carryover levels and ensure proper maintenance of oil separation equipment.

3. Cooling System Issues: Regularly inspect and clean heat exchangers. Maintain proper coolant flow and temperature. Address any issues with the cooling system promptly to prevent compressor overheating.

4. Capacity Control Problems: Regularly check and calibrate the capacity control system. Ensure proper operation and responsiveness to changing demand. Address any malfunctions or control system issues promptly.

It's important to note that the handling methods can vary depending on the specific compressor design, manufacturer recommendations, and the expertise of maintenance personnel. It's recommended to consult the compressor manufacturer's guidelines and involve qualified professionals for fault diagnosis, troubleshooting, and repair to ensure the appropriate handling of faults in boil-off gas compressor.

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